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In class we have been reviewing data that has been collected about previous Winter Olympics to analyze the central tendency, positive and negative correlations, and predictions. It will be interesting to see if any predictions are true! Now it is our chance to collaborate together on the current Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympics. First you’ll have to take a little time to glance over some of the Winter Olympics coverage. What are your thoughts about the Winter Olympics….

If you could be one of the 2010 Winter Olympic Athletes which athlete would you choose to be? What country is that athlete from? It would be interesting to note what age they started to train. How about instead, what if you were the one reporting a sporting event, which event would you like to watch? What are some Olympics highlights for you?

En classe, nous avons passé en revue les données qui ont été recueillies sur les Jeux olympiques d'hiver précédent pour analyser la tendance centrale, positifs et négatifs des corrélations et des prédictions. Il sera intéressant de voir si les prédictions sont vraies! Maintenant, c'est notre chance de collaborer ensemble à l'actuel Olympiques d'hiver de Vancouver 2010. D'abord, vous aurez à prendre un peu de temps de jeter un regard sur certains des reportages olympiques d'hiver. Quelles sont vos réflexions sur les JO d'hiver ....

Si tu pouvais être l'un des athlètes olympiques d'hiver de 2010 athlètes qui choisiriez-vous être? Quel pays est cet athlète à partir de? Il serait intéressant de noter de quel âge ils ont commencé à s'entraîner. Que diriez-vous à la place, que faire si vous étiez l'un fait rapport d'un événement sportif, quel événement voulez-vous regarder? Quels sont certains des points saillants pour les Jeux olympiques de vous?

Winter Olympics I Believe Video

Friday, February 19, 2010

Shaun White - USA

Since I am a snowboarder myself, I would love to be Shaun White. He is an amazing athlete and now a two-time gold medalist! After his Double McTwist 1260, or Whitesnake as he calls it, on Wednesday (a 3 1/2 turn and 2 flip move) he changed history! He goes out every time and gives it his all. He received a 48.4/50 on his "victory lap." How amazing is that?!?!


  1. I don't really follow snowboarding, but you're right -- you have to admire the fact that some folks give maximum effort at all times. That's an admirable quality in any person!

  2. Wasn't it amazing how high White got above the half-pipe? White seems to have the ability to take his skills to another level when he needs to most. It will be interesting to see if he gets as many advertisements as Mike Phelps.

  3. I didn't get the chance to se Shaun White, but did you get to see Lindsay Vonn?! She was amazing! I like to see people win that honestly have worked hard for it, over injuries and getting so close last, I was so happy for her!

  4. Yes Lindsay Vonn is amazing. She is so inspiring. I feel the same as you that I really do admire people that keep trying and put some much effort into a goal! I bet she doesn't feel any pain in her shin after winning the gold!

  5. I'm currently watching the skiing tricks and hope Emily Cook makes it to the finals! I keep getting really nervous for the skiers when they land. The snow doesn't look like snow and they keep wiping out! Go USA!

  6. I love the pairs skating... Dr. W

  7. Yes I also like the pairs skating, but did get to see it. I'll have to watch some of the videos from it. I do enjoy a lot of the skating events. Evan Lysacek was great to watch with his gold medal performance!

  8. Oops...It should have said did not get to see it.

  9. I thought that White's performance was amazing. He made everything look so easy and no one is even close to the skill level that he has attained. I have also been really caught up with curling. It is like a train wreck, I just can't seem to pull myself away from this event despite the fact that is not that exciting.
